I was inspired recently by an e-mail I received from Kitty Rudometkin. We met at a workshop I conducted for her sales team. Kitty detailed several of the ideas she had learned and how she was successfully using them. The most important, inspiring part of her entire e-mail came just as she was signing off, she wrote, “Thanks for all the ‘good stuff’ you have provided me. I’ve chosen to make good use of it and it’s working!”
Did you catch it? Reread Kitty’s quote. There it is again. Chosen. That’s right-the most important word in her quote is chosen. How are you doing with what you’ve chosen to do recently? Your choices-your daily decisions about how you will use your time, energy and resources-are the only difference between a successful day and a wasted day.
A successful career and a wasted career. A successful life and a wasted life. Robert James Challenger once wrote of choices: “Remember, when the eagle looks down on the still water, his reflection is that of a noble bird. If you chose right over wrong, the reflection you will see will be that of a noble person. Our lives mirror the path each of us chooses to follow.”