The Last Week

I am fairly certain you have heard of Lauren Hill. You may not immediately know her name, but you have probably heard her story. Lauren Hill is a young college gal who plays basketball for Mount St. Joseph College near Cincinnati, Ohio. Lauren has an inoperable brain tumor. As it grows it affects her balance, [...]

What Is Love?

When asked one day about which of God's Commandments was the greatest, Jesus replied, "Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: 'Love your neighbor as yourself.'" (Matthew 22:37-38) Jesus, of [...]

Year of Renewing Your Strength

I shared in our Monday Prayer and Bible Study call recently that our theme for this year is the year of renewing your strength, as the prophet Isaiah wrote, "...those who wait (hope) in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, walk [...]

Sensational Blessings Disguised

Have you ever been getting dressed in a poorly lit room trying to decide if the pants you are wanting to wear that day are black or navy? Without a good light, it can be hard to tell. Sometimes you may think you got it right, only to discover that once you walk outside into [...]

Serving God’s Way

If you are like most folks, whenever you have a positive customer service experience, you usually remember it. Maybe you even tell others, or write a note of appreciations, or perhaps post on the company’s Facebook page. It’s noticeable because unfortunately, it is rare these days. We are each in a position to serve someone [...]

March this Month

God delights in accomplishing His plan through ordinary people like you and me. He can, and has, removed huge barriers in our lives all by Himself. But more often He chooses to work through us so that we can grow our faith by being an active participant. Joshua had that opportunity, too. He faced many [...]


I was inspired recently by an e-mail I received from Kitty Rudometkin. We met at a workshop I conducted for her sales team. Kitty detailed several of the ideas she had learned and how she was successfully using them. The most important, inspiring part of her entire e-mail came just as she was signing off, [...]

A Dose of Courage

Ever feel like the Cowardly Lion when you are preparing to make phone calls to your customers? Or how about when you are called to a meeting with your child’s teacher, or when you are asked to make a presentation at work? Or what about when the doctor’s office calls with test results that are not [...]